I'm a do-er, pun intended.
Nice to meet you, I'm Jenny Do 🌱
I've always sought comfort in creating. From charcoal, to ink, to oil paint, I simplified unfamiliarity into intuition through art as I moved from Vietnam to the US.
Design speaks to me in the same way. It encourages me to stay curious, to further inspect relationships, perspectives, arrangements, and the list goes on. But most of all, I resonate with the steps further by asking How might we?
Creating gives me comfort but in stepping further, perhaps what I create can give others comfort. Always further and together, I aim to create not just as a designer for users faced with the unfamiliar, but as a human for more humans with real stories, aspirations, and needs.
what I'm currently up to
+ Engagement Fellow
@ UMichigan Libraries, Oct 2024 - Present
Researching how library programming can be more inclusive by analyzing past interviews, campus-wide survey data, and conducting surveys, focus groups, and interviews
+ Product Design & Research Fellow
@ UMichigan Center for Socially Engaged Design, Jan 2024 - Present
Led UX research and product design for the conceptualization of an audio-based navigational app aimed to aid low vision and blind botanical gardens visitors
+ Project Design Manager
@ The Michigan Daily, Dec 2022 - Dec 2024
Managed a team of 6-8 product designers for the largest campus student publication, collaborating cross-functionally and guiding designs from conception to deployment for a readership of 400,000+ students and city residents. Find my letter to the team here.
I'm also...
+ An avid tea drinker:
I'm loving a blend of matcha, turmeric, and green tea!
+ An amateur sewist:
Ask me about what I'm sewing, currently making my dream closet
+ A sporadic painter:
Preferably into the night with cozy lights and some Shawn Mendes

Always ready to take on the world with my growing 800+ song playlist.
(my latest find, cue the music)

Offline shenanigans
try hovering :)

Mui Ne Sand Dunes !!

Campus magazine launch dinner :)

Face masks during finals

Newspaper archives excursion

Stranded in NYC :P