NOAA Great Lakes Database Search Tool
UI/UX Web & Mobile Re-design
What's the context?
GLANSIS, a branch under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), provides critical information used to support effective management and control strategies of aquatic nonindigineous species (ANS) in the Great Lakes. As a class partnership Fall of 2023, I re-designed GLANSIS's most visible tool, the Species List Generator, as well as the feel and presence of the GLANSIS homepage.​​​​​​​
Problem Statement  
Users of the site often struggle to navigate a site design that has not been updated since the early 2000s, is not optimized for various devices, nor is organized in a scannable structure.

How might we re-structure the GLANSIS database design for mobile and desktop friendly experiences that also cater to users of various backgrounds?
Early Design Iterations
At first, I maintained the original site flow, designing with a mobile-first approach to make information more accessible. My focus was on simplifying information into scannable cards, chunked collapsible sections, and a reducing overwhelm of home page options and logos.
Deeper Re-structuring
After further refinement, I conducted a mid-way point usability test to validate design direction before transitioning into desktop layouts. However, this usability test had the user navigating back to the form again on accident and having to re-submit the form to get back to the results list. 
This led to a major re-structuring to resolve this inefficient separation of form and results pages by combining them.

Final Design & Prototypes

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